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Text File
99 lines
By Dimitri Keletsekis (c) 1996
PURPOSE : To display text files (like more)
FEATURES : - Has a scroller and arrows (its a GadTools ListView Gadget)
- Can shift the display left or right, displaying lines up to
1024 bytes long.
- It's small - only 5 k.
INSTALATION : - Put it somewhere in your path (together with it's icon,
if you want the tool types).
Rename it to "more" and put it in your c: directory if
you want it as your default text viewer.
- If you have asl.library in your LIBS:, you get a file
requester, otherwise you have to type the file name.
USAGE 1. From WorkBench (the icon has tool types, same as the CLI options)
2. As the default tool of the icon of the text file you want to see.
3. From CLI with the following template :
FILENAME - The file you want displayed - If no file name
is given and you have the asl.library, a file
requester will appear.
LEFT - Offset from left side of the screen - Default 0
TOP - Offset from the top of the screen - Default 11
WIDTH - Width of the window - Default MAX screen width
HEIGHT - Height of the window - Default MAX screen height
TAB - Size of tabs - Default is 8
OFFSET - By default, Lister will shift the display left
or right (when clicked on at either 1/4 side of
the window) by 20 characters. You can change this
by stating an other offset number.
example : Lister FileName LEFT=100 WIDTH=500 TAB=4 O=15
MOVEMENT UP-DOWN : Using the scroller or the arrows
LEFT-RIGHT : Click mouse on the left or right quarter of the
window and the display will shift left or right
by 20 characters (if there is anything to display)
Other stuff :
When using the file requester, Lister will save the directory to an
ENV: variable, so that it will remember it next time you use it.
This will of course be forgotten when you reset the computer.
Omissions :
Since Lister, having a scroller, is meant for mouse-lovers, and in
order to keep the code as short as possible, there are no keyboard
shortcuts. - sorry.
Licence/Disclaimer :
Lister has no bugs I know of, however, no warranties are made or implied.
You may use Lister and distribute it free of charge, to anyone who will
have it, in all countries of this or any other planet, solar system,
galaxy and/or universe, for ever and ever, time everlasting, world
without end.
Author :
D. Keletsekis
EMail : dck@prometheus.hol.gr
- EMail me if you want the code. Its in Lattice C.
- Try an other program I have written, "Gui4Cli", available in Aminet
Dev/Gui/Gui4Cli.lha (106k). It is a simple script language for
making GUIs and through them forming command lines and sending
them to AmigaDOS or ARexx for execution.
With it you could make a better file viewer than this one, with about
10 lines of easy code... Demo is included.